Anabin indicates the acceptance of your education for work or education in Germany
This is the first article in an Anabin Guides rowINDEX
What is Anabin?
Anabin is a database of degrees from many countries of the world. The Anabin database provides information for the evaluation of foreign educational certificates and supports authorities, employers and private persons in classifying a foreign qualification in the German education system.
Anabin offers two types of evaluation: academic recognition (for the purposes of education in Germany) and professional recognition (for the purposes of employment in Germany, including Blue Card employment).
Please have a look at the screenshot 1. The two pages are fully identical. The only difference is that the right page is translated into English with Chrome translator.
Hochschulabschlüsse - University degrees(1.) - here you will proove if your Degree is "equivalent" or "equal" to German one (entspricht oder gleichwertig). Read more...
Institutionen - Institutions
(2.) - here you will proove if your university is accepted in Germany (Anabin Status H+). Read more...
Schulabschlüsse mit Hochschulzugang - Qualifications with university entrance
Here you will check if high school certificate is accepted in Germany. You need this if you intend to do Ausbildung (vocational training) in Germany.
Why do you need Anabin check
German missions abroad (embassies and consulates) require two Anabin extracts in the process of applying for a national visa. German immigration authorities (nationwide) require the same two Anabin statements in the process of applying for a residence title, e.g. Blue Card, Settlement Permit, etc.
Look at the list of necessary documents for applying for a national visa. On the screenshot 2 you can see an example from the EU Blue Card Leaflet (German Embassy in the USA).
The embassy requires two statements: a) Anabin status of your university and b) Anabin status of the acceptance of your degree.
If you intend to study in Germany, your existing education must also be comparable to the German one. For this you also need two Anabin statements: for your institution and for your degree. If your studies do not (fully) conform to the German education system, a ZAB evaluation is necessary.
Anabin printouts - what this
On the screenshots below are two examples of Anabin printouts that you submit with your diploma when applying for the German national visa.
For the application/extension of the Blue Card or any other residence title in Germany you will also need these two Anabin printouts.
Above, on the screenshot 3 is the Anabin printout "Institution"
(German: Institution).
Below, on the Screenshot 4 is the Anabin printout "Degree"
(German: Abschluss).
What will happen if you don't pay attention to the Anabin check?
Here is the worst case: at the moment of submitting documents for the German national visa or after a few days/weeks you will be notified that the acceptance of your university degree is not sufficient and a ZAB assessment is necessary.
ZAB assessment - how to proceed?
Your university is not recognized in Germany? Or your degree is not comparable to a German degree?
In this case you must prepare necessary documents, fill, sign the application form and send all those documents by "paper post" to (ZAB) in Bonn, Germany. Read more...
03.07.20 - 16.07.22 ©️ Yarve (Jaroslav Plotnikov) All articles.