How to check Anabin degree and make a printout for German authorities
This is the article #3 in an Anabin Guides row.
In this article let me explain how to check your DEGREE (Abschluss)
and make the PRINTOUT of it.
How to check your institution see this article.
The sources of information: Leaflet from German Embassy Minsk, Anabin website, my own professional experience.
Extra thanks to BCA Relocation GmbH for anonymized diploma of a client.
Why do we need this Anabin check?
Most people would answer: "to know if my university is recognized in Germany".
In my opinion, this answer is not complete.
Here is my addition: the end goal of Anabin check is to create the Anabin printouts for the German authority (e.g. for an German embassy or immigration office).
Example - degree from India
This example is a real case. A developer from India contacted our company Blue Card Agency because he wanted to apply for the Blue Card in Germany.
By the way, later he received both: German national visa and the blue Card.
On the screenshot 2 you can see his diploma. The name of the institution (1), description of his qualification, in other words degree (2) and his name (3).
For reasons of discretion I have made the name anonymous.
And now let's begin.
First, let's google the word anabin. As soon as you are on its website click on Hochschulabschlusse - college degrees (Screenshot 3). On the next page choose the Institutionen on the left, then click on Suchen nach Abschlüssen (s. the red frame and the small arrow at the screenshot 8).
TIP: Don't understand web pages in German? Use Chrome Translator to read them in English or other language.
In Chrome browser right click, then Translate to English.
Now click on Länderauswahl öffnen. This is a country selection.
Ignore the word "Aserbaidschan". This was my previous search.
Search for the specific country. In my case it is India. After that click on Länderauswahl bestätigen.
Now click an Alle Studienrichungen (big arrow).
Select your specific degree. In my case it is "Computer Applications".
The search results update automatically. If not, click on Suche starten (Screenshot 8).
Click on the "plus" sign. It opens exactly what we were looking for - the anabin printout form.
On the next screenshot you see the same page, just translated with google Chrome (s. the TIP above).
Click on the printer sign on the upper righ corner and save as PDF in your device.
This anabin printout, together with Anabin-Institution you will submit to the German embassy or any other related authority.
How to evaluate the Anabin printout of the degree from India
For your convenience - once again the screenshot 1
Remember that our Diploma example comes from India.
The same type you can expect for Anabin printouts for degrees from Great Britain.
But for some other countries you need to consider further requirements
of the equivalence of the degree.
Graduated NOT in India or Great Britain? - Read this article.
What to do if my institutions/degree cannot be found on anabin? Or my degree printout do not meet the Anabin criteria?
Keep calm. This issue can be solved withing 3 weeks up to 3 months. It called ZAB asessment, cost €200 government fee and some organisational hassle. I can do ZAB asessment for you. Completely, competent and fast.
Most important words in the anabin statement of your Indian degree - entspricht or gleichwertig.
03.07.20 - 15.07.22 ©️ Yarve (Jaroslav Plotnikov) All articles.