You can order your German TIN via post or online on the Federal Central Tax Office website
The following article is the "pure how-to" guidance. If you wish to know more about German TIN (Steuer-ID, IdNr)* or if you have been living in Germany for a longer period of time and your German TIN has already arrived but was lost later, read this article explaining where in your documents you can find your TIN / Steuer-ID / IdNr.
Alternative you have 2 more ways to order that number again. See below.
WAY #1
Send a paper letter to the following address:
Bundeszentralamt für Steuern, Referat St II 3, 53221 Bonn.
In this letter provide the following information about you:
in order to get the tax ID issued again:
- Salutation of you (Mister / Missis)
- Last name, First name
- Address (as stated in your Meldebescheinigung)
- Place and country of birth
- Date of birth
- Your registration address, including the postal code.
Wait up to 4 weeks.
WAY #2
Go to the website of Federal Central Tax Office (BZST). Complete the online form Mitteilung der Steueridentifikationsnummer
This form is shown on the screenshot 2.
Enter your last name (Name), first name (Vorname), birth day (Geburtsdatum) and birth place (Geburtsort).
Click "NEXT" (WEITER),
TIP: If you live in a big house with many apartments, make it easier for the post-man to find your mailbox. Write an address addition, e.g. "Etage 1 Li" - that means 1st floor, left door (red arrow).
Such address addition is called (Adresszusatz) in German.
A confirmation will appear (s. Screenshot 4).
Here is what is written inside of the red frame**:
The processing was successful. Your request has been received by BZSt.
You will receive the IdNr. by mail to your current registration address.
The processing time is up to four weeks. The processing time may be extended in request cases and may take up to ten weeks.
For data protection reasons, it is not possible to send the IdNr by e-mail or telephone.
In 1-4 weeks you will receive the letter with your TIN.
It will look like at the screenshot 1 (at the very top).
That's it!
If you have any questions feel free to ask or comment ))
* - most common names in German are: Steuer-ID, IdNr, ID-Nr,
Steueridentifikationsnummer, Steuer-Identifikationsnummer;
** - Translated with Deepl Online Translator (free version).
10.09.22 ©️ Yarve (Jaroslav Plotnikov) All articles.