Completion help - Wohnungsgeberbestätigung §19
Where to get the landlord's confirmation?
CAVEAT: the landlord's confirmation (Wohnungsgeberbestätigung*) will be filled out by the landlord.
But if you are still interested, you can download Landlord's confirmation (Wohnungsgeberbestätigung) here.
What's inside
1. Family name, first name or name of legal person
2,3. Full address of that person
(to be filled in only if he/she is not the housing provider himself/herself or if the property is occupied by the owner himself/herself).
4. Family name, first name or name of legal person
5,6. Full address of that person
7. Herewith a move-in is confirmed on the following date:
8. The move-in refers to the following apartment:
9,10,11. Full address of the appartment (street, house no, ZIP code, city)
10. Additional information (e.g. apartment number, apartment ID)
12. The following person(s) has/have moved into the specified apartment:
13. Last name, first name of a tenant(s)
14. Official seal and signature of the employee in the registration office (Bürgeramt*)
15. Date, signature of the landlord or the owner of the apartment.
That’s it for today. Any questions? Any comments?
* - other names: Vermieterbescheinigung, Wohnungsgeberbescheinigung;
** - other names: Anwohnermeldeamt, Bürgerbüro, etc.
15.09.23 ©️ Yarve (Jaroslav Plotnikov) All articles.