The check list for your CV
This article refers to German CV (Lebenslauf). Why? Because the documents are usually easier to read in the mother tongue.
Most CVs in the IT industry compiled in English. Submitting a German CV, you attract attention. You differ from other foreign candidates. Once you have prepared your CV in German, you can use it again and again.
Ready to check all steps? Here we go.
01: Is your CV clearly arranged?
02: Is your CV consistent?
03: Is your CV gapless?
04: Is there the common thread recognizable?
05: Is there an attractive photo?
06: Is your address complete?
07: Information on date of birth, place, nationality, marital status
08: Career milestones in education and occupation (s. notes below)
01: Clear arrangement – your professional growth should be transparent and easy to follow.
02: The same must be named exactly the same. Mind the little things:
- the correct spelling Wrong: Opencart / Github / Genkey group Co.
- within a letter, the same word should always be written in the same way. Correct form like “GenKey Group Co” is always to be written in the same way and not as “Genkey” or “GenKey group Co”.
Correct: OpenCart / GitHub / GenKey Group Co.
03: In Germany there must be no gaps in a CV. If you did nothing for half a year, it would be a big mistake to make no explanation. It is much better to enter just any explanation than leave a gap.
You better enter any volunteer work or any activity (even if it was just “to support family or friends”). If you were traveling for half a year just write “Educational trip through the following countries…”. Write something that might make your employer curious. Then at least you get a chance to explain your activity in that period of time. A mediocre explanation is much better than an empty space in your CV.
04: Are there any common thread in your work you have done so far? It is essential to have a “red ribbon” that runs through your activities and logically connects them.
05: The application photo has one only purpose: to present you in an optimal way.
06: Street name, house number, postal code, emails addresses – double-check the spelling of addresses, emails, web links!
07: In English-speaking countries, the photo and date of birth do not always belong in the CV. In Germany, the photo, the date of birth, the citizenship and marital status are common components of CVs. Some applicants may say they don’t like it. Maybe you don’t either? Well, then don’t do it. However there are consequences. Hiding those personal details will reduce your chances compared to those applicants who have provided this information.
08: For career milestones check following:
- Are the time periods given by exact month?
- Are the branches and legal forms of your previous employers included?
- Are system settings exactly specified?
- Is all necessary size indication given? (number of servers, clients and supported users)
- Milestones that are not important for the desired position should be in a shorter form. Do they?
- Are your IT-skills clearly categorized?
- Is your particular experience and level of knowledge specified?
- Are your relevant articles, blogs, any publications given?
- Do your given hobbies represent your person as you like?
26.03.18 - 06.11.23 ©️ Yarve (Jaroslav Plotnikov) All articles)