In some cases you need additional evaluation of your Degree printout
This is the article #4 in an Anabin Guides row.After you have prepared your degree-statement, you need to evaluate it. If you have not studied in India or the United Kingdom, go on reading.

For many countries (Belarus, Egypt, China, Chile, Malaysia, Russia, Ukraine, USA etc.) it is necessary to do an additional evaluation.
For this purpose, let's take a diploma from Chile as an example. It belogs to a woman named A. The anonymized fragment of her diploma is shown on the screenshot 1.
Special thanks to BCA Relocation GmbH for the materials used in this article.
Mrs. A. had to make two Anabin printouts for her visa*: Anabin-Abschluss (fragment see screenshot 2) and Anabin-Institution (fragment see screenshot 3).
Anabin Abschluss printout
Take a closer look at the Verleihende Institutionen (Issuing Institutions**) section on screenshot 2.

In our example there is the most common situation - the university of Mrs. A (Universidad de Chile) in degree Anabin statement is already present.
What to do if in the issuing Institutions section
your university is not listed?
- It is normal that not all awarding institutions are listed on a degree Anabin statement.
Anabin always emphasizes that its database is not pretending to be complete.
Anabin states that it is possible to obtain this degree from other institutions.
However, under three conditions, namely a), b), c).
Ihr Abschluss sollte mit der Äquivalenzklasse „entspricht“ oder „gleichwertig“ bewertet sein UND muss unter „verleihende Institutionen“ an mindestens einer Hochschule angeboten werden. Dabei muss diese Hochschule wiederum mit „H+“ bewertet sein und sich in dem Staat befinden (z.B. Belarus), in dem Sie Ihren Hochschulabschluss erlangt haben.
Your degree a) should be rated „entspricht“ (equivalent) or „gleichwertig“ (equal) AND b) must be listed under "issuing institutions" in at least one University offered. That particular institution must also have an anabin status c) "H+" and must be located in the state (...), in which you have obtained your university degree.
What to do if my institutions/degree cannot be found or my degree printout do not meet the above criteria?
Keep calm. This issue can be solved withing 3 weeks up to 3 months. It called ZAB asessment, cost €200 government fee and some organisational hassle. I can do ZAB asessment, completely, competent and fast.
More information in this article.
1) your degree must be rated „entspricht“ (equivalent) or „gleichwertig“ (equal)
2) it must be listed under "issuing institutions" in at least one University offered.
3) that particular institution must also have an anabin status "H+"
4) must be located in the state, in which you have obtained your university degree.
* - by the way, Ms. A. got the work visa without BCA assistance;
** - other translation "Awarding Institutions".
20.07.22 ©️ Yarve (Jaroslav Plotnikov) All articles